Angemeldet bleiben
Upon completion of the 11 luxury apartments in the topmost floor of the “Black Towers” residences on the Löwenbräu site, investment company PSP appointed Fanzun with overall supervision and construction management. The task comprised demolition/rebuilding as well as all technical installations.
As an outcome of negotiations between the developer and master contractor for the redevelopment of the Löwenbräu site, the 11 apartments in the topmost floor of the meanwhile residential “Black Towers” were to be completed by individual planners and contractors.
A façade lift and a giant crane proved to be the cheapest installation variant with least imission. In order to synchronise the different completion statuses of the apartments, planning and implementation were undertaken concurrently. Informing residents on a weekly basis increased their acceptance and understanding.
Expansion of the topmost floor of the residential high-rise building made severe demands with respect to construction logistics, informing apartment owners and noise control. The construction window of just 6 months and limited daily working hours posed additional challenges.
Developer: PSP Properties AG, ZürichCompletion: 2016Project type: New structureProject author: Hürlemann AG, ZürichConstruction costs: not publ. Scope of services: Overall Supervision, Project Management, Construction Management, Commissioning
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