IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau, Brail

Starting situation and idea

The 450-year old farmhouse “Chesa La Stüvetta” was converted into a hotel in the 60s by the grandparents of the current owner. The hotel has a reception, restaurant and holiday apartments with hotel service. An additional wing was to be added with rooms for regular hotel operation.


The extension was integrated into the terrain and includes 1 spa suite, 4 suites and 6 junior suites as well as common area and a fireplace lounge. Hotel guests enjoy a view into the virtually pristine nature of the national park. Thanks to terrain integration, disturbances due to the cantonal road are almost entirely masked.


The site is beautifully located on a southeast slope overlooking the wooded national park on the opposite side of the valley. On the mountain side, the site, however, borders directly on the busy cantonal road connecting Lower and Upper Engadin. The old Engadin-style building was to remain at the core of the ensemble and not be affected by new buildings.


Developer: IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau AG, Brail
Completion: 2012
Project type: Gesamterneuerung, Extension
Project author: Fanzun AG
Construction costs: CHF 10,5 Mil
Scope of services: Architecture, Commissioning, Interior Design, General Planning, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Acoustics, Energy, Ecology, Guidance, Overall Supervision, Construction Management, Cost Planning, Bids & Tenders, Construction Supervision, Cost Control, Development, Scheduling, Project Management, Quality Assurance

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