AQA Aeschbach Quartier Site No. 2, Aarau

Starting situation and idea

Torfeld Süd, formerly a factory site, is located very near the Aarau main railway station. A new and lively quarter of the city was to be developed on the site for mixed use on 5 construction plots. Historic buildings like the Aeschbachhalle, Testhaus and Villa Oehler stand on the site as a testimony to its history.


Early involvement of all specialists in the project team, following PQM principles, putting smaller teams to work in structural engineering and infrastructure as well as planning the underground car park and civil engineering works with well-defined interfaces were key to successful project implementation.


Cost pressure and heterogenous usage in various buildings introduced a high degree of complexity into the project and posed challenges to the general planners at all levels from planning the foundation to power sockets.


Developer: Mobimo AG, Küsnacht
Completion: 2019
Project type: Rebuilding
Project author: ARGE KCAP Architects & Planners, Zürich / Fanzun AG, Zürich
Construction costs: CHF 65 Mil
Scope of services: Architecture, Civil Engineering, General Planning in cooperation with KCAP Architects & Planners, Zürich

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