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Built in 1961, the partly reinforced, 6-field, roughly 150m-long access bridge showed structural and design faults. Repair as well as rebuilding were assessed in a feasibility study. Both variants had to provide unrestricted access to the Schachen industrial zone.
The continuous 4-field supports with span widths of 15.8m, 22m, 22m and 15.80m were partly implemented as pre-stressed concrete beams and monolithically connected with the base. The foundation was built on posts and on concrete columns in the vicinity of filled area, which rest on the rock 3m below the terrain.
The bridge had to cross the SBB railway tracks and span the height difference of roughly 10m between Kantonsstrasse and the Schachen connector. The shift towards the inner side of the curve extended the longitudinal gradient die to which larger terrain adjustments were necessary. The construction exposed several remediation needs.
Developer: LafargeHolcim Ltd.Completion: 2012Project type: RebuildingProject author: Fanzun AGConstruction costs: CHF 4,8 MilScope of services: Project Management, Civil Engineering, Overall Supervision, Construction Management
«Nach knapp 50 Jahren im Einsatz wies die alte Zufahrtsbrücke zu unserem Gelände diverse statische und konstruktive Mängel auf. Die Brücke hatte neben einem Höhenunterschied von 11 Metern auch die Gleisanlage der SBB zu überwinden. Fanzun lieferte uns eine durchdachte Entscheidungsgrundlage, in der alle sinnvollen Varianten von der Sanierung bis zum Neubau gestaltet und beurteilt wurden. Entschieden haben wir uns für einen Neubau, der auf lange Sicht nicht nur wirtschaftlicher ist, sondern auch ästhetischer daherkommt. Win-win.»Urs Bleisch Executive Committee Member
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